Directed by Gail Singer
Produced by Susan Cavan, Rina Fraticelli, Signe Johansson, Gail Singer and Ginny Stikeman
Starring Joy Behar, Ellen DeGeneres, Phyllis Diller, Whoopi Goldberg, Paula Poundstone
Canadian filmmaker Gail Singer examines the world of stand-up comedy from the perspective of some
of the most successful female performers of the 1990s. Interspersing on-stage footage of modern-day
comics with classic clips of pioneering funny women such as Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller, Singer -- via
interviews with performers including Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and Paula Poundstone -- investigates
the stresses and hardships often endured by female stand-ups.
of the most successful female performers of the 1990s. Interspersing on-stage footage of modern-day
comics with classic clips of pioneering funny women such as Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller, Singer -- via
interviews with performers including Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and Paula Poundstone -- investigates
the stresses and hardships often endured by female stand-ups.